When you have some time to relax, and your mind is cleared, take out some moments, and ponder over your body organs; you will realize how lucky you are. You can move your arm, and it is not that simple. When you move this arm, billions of cells and microorganisms have to interact in perfect harmony (at specific angles, at specific times, with specific forces...) to complete the movement. When you move your eye-balls, the precise coordination between the retina, lens, and other parts of the eye is something you have been blessed with. You have no problem in moving your legs, you don’t have nuisance in hearing different sounds. You can taste delicious foods, just because your taste-glands are working perfectly fine. Give a movement to one of your limbs, feel the sensation, and thank your Creator! Imagine if one of these things gets a little disturbed, how problematic it may get. The illnesses we go through reminds us of this. No matter how strong a person is, when they become sick, they will always feel low and weak. So, while you are worried about other matters, try contemplating on these thoughts, and hopefully, you will feel a bit consoled.
However, this may not necessarily remove all your tensions, yet it might help in enjoying some peaceful moments. Also know that time is a great healer. Things get better as time progresses. If, however, there is something that you are continually passing through or something related to your closed one, then you need to crack it down as quickly as you can. Find ways to counter the situation directly, head on.
Do not get disheartened, keep your prayers. May Allah Almighty always be with you!
However, this may not necessarily remove all your tensions, yet it might help in enjoying some peaceful moments. Also know that time is a great healer. Things get better as time progresses. If, however, there is something that you are continually passing through or something related to your closed one, then you need to crack it down as quickly as you can. Find ways to counter the situation directly, head on.
Do not get disheartened, keep your prayers. May Allah Almighty always be with you!