Friday, January 21, 2011


All of you know that keeping a beard is Sunnah of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Similarly, scholars also lay stress on keeping your trousers above ankle-length. This is simply because it has been narrated as one of the Sunnah of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Actually, the concept is to imitate him in appearance. This is one of the degrees of faith, and it comes after you have attained perfection on other scales. One who is habitual of lying, and also keeps his trousers above ankles is actually leaving a more important teaching of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), and acting on a teaching on which lesser emphasis has been laid. However, any act of Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) is absolutely worthy of being followed and preached.

Let us see some of the Sunnahs of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), which you may not have heard frequently. If you act on them with the intention of emulating him, you will definitely be rewarded, and will yourself see the benefits they bring you.

Keeping your abdomen at level with your chest, and not allowing it to expand

Our Holy Prophet’s (peace be upon him) abdomen never ‘came out’, his abdomen was in-level with his chest, and was rigidly strong, which is a sign of handsome appearance, and tremendous health. This is also connected with his blessed act of eating less than one’s appetite. Our Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) never ate to his full, he would always end his food when there was some capacity left to eat. This is an excellent tip for healthy stomach; it helps in digestion, keeps you active and vibrant, and is one of the tools to help you look smart, decent and debonair.

More to come later, Insha’ ALLAH.

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